Everyone knows about the dog days of summer, but what about the cat days? Don’t leave your cat out of the fun this summer! With a few simple tips, you can keep your cat mentally and physically challenged and enjoy plenty of pet bonding time!
Astro Loyalty has compiled a list of tips to keep your summer activities safe and fun for you and your cat. Check out our summer safety tips for cats below!
Summer Outdoor Time for Cats
Whether they’re napping in sunbeams or watching squirrel TV, your cat treasures their view of the outside. If you want to take it one step further this summer, consider building your furry friend a catio.
A catio is an enclosed space you can put on your deck, yard, or window that allows your cat to safely spend time outside with the sights, sounds and smells. They can be large or small, and they let your cat enjoy the outside without threatening the wildlife or their health.

Walking Your Cat
Another way to let your indoor cat have some quality outside time is to take them on a walk. A fitted harness, a lightweight leash, and plenty of patience are all it takes to get your cat on the (supervised) prowl!
Start with indoor walks on the harness, and work up to longer walks outside. Hot surfaces can be harsh on your cat’s paw pads, so choose a route with plenty of grass or natural surfaces to walk on.
Some cats will never be comfortable going outside on a harness, and that’s okay–there are plenty of other ways you can spend quality time with your pet!

Cat Tick Prevention
Unless you have an outdoorsy cat, the risk of your cat getting flea, tick, and bug bites should be low. If you have an indoor cat, keeping their outdoor adventures supervised and away from underbrush should be a good preventative measure.
If you have an outdoor cat, you’ll want to check them regularly for ticks. A pet-safe tick repellent can also protect your pet from tickborne illness. If your cat begins to show symptoms like lethargy and fever, contact your vet.

Risk of Cats Overheating During Summer
Leaving your pet in air-conditioned rooms is a safe choice when you’re out and about, but never leave your pet in the car, even with the windows down. If your air conditioning ever goes out, or your outdoor cat is spending time in the summer heat, you’ll want to keep an eye on them for overheating.
Signs of overheating and heat stroke include lethargy, dizziness, and increased heart rate. Unlike dogs, cats do not lower their body temperature via panting, and panting is a symptom of difficulty breathing. If you see these symptoms in your cat, move them to a cool location and place cool towels on them.

Consistent Hydration
Cats are pretty good at self-regulating their heat needs, and that includes seeking out plenty of water. To help your cat stay cool on hot days, make sure that fresh, clean water is easily available all day, whether it’s a regularly-filled water bowl or a pet fountain. You can keep the water cool by adding an ice cube periodically.

Indoor Time for Cats This Summer
Keep Cats Active with Indoor Play
You can keep your cat’s mind busy in the summer months with challenges like food puzzles. Food puzzles can help manage your cat’s weight and keep them entertained and mentally challenged as they work to get their prize.
Another way to keep your cat active is dedicated play time with toys. Cats approach play like a sprint, not a marathon, so playtime is better in short bursts. Watch your cat’s body language to tell when playtime should wind down. Licking their paws or walking away are signs that your cat has finished playing.

Taste of Summer with Cat Grass
Catnip is a classic cat treat, but you can also let your cat chow down on cat grass. Cat grass is a mixture of cat-healthy grasses that you can grow in a small indoor container. Your cat can feel free to fulfill their plant-munching instincts while getting the extra nutrients and fiber that keep their body healthy.

Monitoring Cat Health
Spending time with your cat is a good way to familiarize yourself with your cat’s baseline health, so you can identify any illness-related changes. Changes in weight, energy, and appetite can all be warning signs of illness that should be checked out by the vet.
Older cats may need a little help keeping themselves in tip-top shape. If grooming seems difficult for an older cat, you can spend quiet quality time with your pet by gently brushing them with a pet brush. This can also be a good time to check for unusual bumps that may require medical attention.

Enjoy The Summer with Your Cat!
Whether your cat is inside or out, you can support an active summer lifestyle for both you and your cat. Let them safely enjoy the outdoors or challenge them to a round of “catch the feather” to keep your summer cat-tastic!
For more advice about dog or cat care and summer fun, check out Astro Loyalty’s Blog!